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Jandri has arrived!!!

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On February 4,2016, 11:18 AM Jandri, my little angel was born!

I am exited, happy, scared, proud and humbled at the same time. She is the most wonderfull gift that I could have ever wished for.

As everyone asks for the statistics, here are the basics. She is 3.055kg, 47 cm with ten fingers and ten toes. She is in perfect health and so is Jani.

Our birth story is strange even as birth stories go. We went in at 6 am for Jani to receive induction. Induction was done at 6:30 and the OB/GYN broke Jani's water at 8. Everything was going as planned...

By 10 am Jani was writhing in pain and requested an epidural. After four attempts the doctor finally managed to insert it deep enough. By that time it was to late however. The pain from the contractions increased and the epidural did not take effect at all.

The doctor was happy that Jani would go into labor shortly and informed us that he needed to return to his practice to see to other patients, but he would return shortly.

The contractions were now a minute apart and lasting for at least a minute each. At 11 am the contractions were so intense that Jani started pushing involentarily. It was only Jani, a nurse and I in the delivery room at that point. The nurse trying to coach Jani into fighting of the pushing sensation from the contractions and mys trying to tell her to breath deeply and stay calm and how everything was going to be all right. God has his own plan however and 5 minutes later Jandri was coming down the birthing channel due to the contractions. The nurse then coached Jani on pushing Jandri out. As the universe would have it, as Jandri was born and gave her first breaths the doctor walked in.

I could not wait to hold Jandri and be with her and Jani and start our new life as a family. Every second while she was being cleaned and checked I just wanted to grab her and take her to Jani.

It was a more intense experience than I could have ever prepared for and even though we will be doing it personally as well I would like to publicly thank nurse Annika that assisted us during the birth as well as Dr. George who stood by us during the pregnancy and yesterday.

I am an exited father, a happy father, a scared father, a proud father, a humbled father and it is my hope that I will be the father and partner that Jandri and Jani deserves.

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