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Those who know me will know that I will always be on the outlook for a bargain or even better getting something for free. Now as an expectant father I have starting looking into the cost of raising a little one and I can assure you it is not cheap. So naturally I started looking for ways to bring down costs and a great way to do this is to win competitions.

It sounds obvious but when you really think of it how many of us simply pass on the opportunity to enter into a competition thinking, "I never win anything so why enter"? Well maybe you don’t ever win because you don’t enter. In a parenting context it is the same as saying we are not going to try to get pregnant because we tried it once and it didn't happen.

Since I am a person that will try, try and try again I started entering competitions. Only one or two at first, an sms here an e-mail there, but as I starting reading more about the competitions and reading the articles related to parenting competitions especially I discovered a gem,

They have wonderful articles for new and experienced parents and of course great monthly competitions. I of course entered every single competition they had on offer and in month two of entering I actually won!!!! Scarlet Ruby contacted me as I had won an R800 hamper!!!

I was very excited and upon receiving the prize I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of the products we had received. I cannot wait to finish painting our angels room and start decorating.

Below is a picture of the hamper.

You cannot win if you do not enter so try, and you might be surprised. Take it from me, the cost of a baby can creep up on you very quickly so even if you think you can do without something go on and enter you might just suprise yourself at how much you need that little extra that you might win.

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