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Baby shower!

I know technically dads are not allowed at a baby shower and technically I did not partake in any activities, but I was still exited because it was another milestone in our path to becoming parents.

Since I did not partake I will just give the highlights. Cool drink was drunk, food was eaten, games where played and gifts were given.

A big thank you to everyone that assisted with the planning and execution. My lovely fiancé really enjoyed the party. Another big thank you to everyone that attended for sharing our joy and off course for all the gifts, anyone that wishes to contribute to our growing stable of baby products and clothes please feel free to contact me ;)

We played around with the idea of having the males attend and partake in the festivities as apparently it does happen on the odd occasion lately, but thought it best to stick with tradition. I will open up the comments section for your ideas on this. Personally I believe it is another tradition where the men are robbed of sharing in the experience of expecting a baby.

I am not saying we should be part of the party but perhaps we should have one ourselves? I know a lot of men don’t care to partake in these kind of things and that is their choice but it is my believe that if you want to be part of your child’s life, you should be part of every aspect of it and that includes the pregnancy.

Woman tend to say that the man has it easy and that their work stops at conception and only starts again when the baby is born, but is this really our fault or has tradition dictated this behaviour, tradition accepted by both men and woman. Have we ever really attempted to change these traditions? Will we ever change them? I have also fallen victim to giving in to tradition and not partaking in the baby shower, but there is another one looming on the horizon, we have ties in two cities 900km’s apart, and I will make a much more concerted effort to be part of the second one.

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