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Leaving on a Jetplane

Today is the worst day since I received the joyous news. I have to fly to away from home for four days and three nights for work. Don’t get me wrong I love my work and it helps me to provide for my growing family, but why do I have to leave now? We just hit the twelve week mark and as of last week there have been three attempts made to break into our house. My mind is not at ease. I hardly slept last night and feel that every second away from her is a second I’m not protecting her. It tears me up inside.

There is one thing that keeps me going and that is her assurances. She is my rock and she is the strongest woman I know. She is a survivor and the only reason I can go is because I know she will be here when I come back. She and our wonderful miracle that I am yet to see, yet to meet, but whom I already love.

As I get ready to board the flight all I can think of is to sleep as much as possible, that is the only thing that can make the time pass and the only thing that can make this trip bearable. Four days feel like four months, but I have to be strong for her, for us. We will soon be a completed family and I do this for us! Yes, that will get me through this.

Just keep reminding myself I’m doing this for us, my family.

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