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Gardening Toghether

What to do on the Saturday before a public holiday, and national women’s day no less. Whatever your pregnant fiancé wants is obviously the only correct answer. So of to we go. We have been looking for an opportunity to spruce up our garden and what better day than a sunny Saturday.

I was truly impressed with this place. It’s truly huge. There is every kind of tree, shrub and flower you can think of! I got my way and we bought some white and yellow daisies and my fiancé got her favourite, mint and lavender. There were a few additional purchases but they were not destined for the garden as yet so let’s leave them till later.

I must just add that I think any couple could benefit from a walk about in a nursery. There really is not better therapy and stress leaver than plants, hence the trip. So the plants were sorted and we headed home, stopping on the way to ease a smoothie craving from the misses.

Planning and planting the flowers was an experience I find difficult to explain. It was amazing to think we are bringing new life to our garden and soon new life would be brought into our house as well. I suppose I see it as a kind of pre-pregnancy test. If we can look after the garden we can at least claim we possess some sort of responsibility.

Even though I didn’t allow mommy to bend or assist much just the fact that we were doing it together was a bonding experience, a relaxing experience and for any soon to be parents I feel a necessary exercise. So get down to the nursery, get some flowers and do some good in your garden. It is one of those everything to gain and nothing to lose experiences. Enjoy it… together.

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